America demands money of its residents. The need for money requires gainful employment. Survivors are no exception. When a victim of human trafficking can surpass the hurdles of solicitation convictions and the like, they still have massive obstructions to overcome in the workplace. The ability to take constructive criticism and apply it to one’s work is essential to keeping a job and consistently making strides toward success.
If you love learning, you love the discipline that goes with it— how shortsighted to refuse correction! (Proverb)
Indeed this passage holds a great amount of truth. The problem faced by many recovering abuse or human trafficking victims is that they are extremely hypersensitive to being told they are not doing something correctly, especially after their best efforts have been put forth. Often, the small amount of self-esteem mustered together to offer their work to be viewed publicly is easily crushed if they receive any negative feedback, which is standard (often referred to as constructive criticism) in today’s society.
A lack of the ability to thrive through correction, or even common micro-management, is detrimental to the ability of one to prosper in the business place today. How does a victim shake these insecurities and learn to appreciate the opportunity to cultivate their God-given talents so that they have the ability to flourish in a competitive employment society? The answer lies in the principles Bridging Freedom looks forward to providing for their participants.
1) They must be taught who they are and that their identity does not change through other’s opinions. This aspect must be reinforced in a repetitive manner so that the girl’s understand that even if someone else tells them they are not good enough, the statement doesn’t denote truth.
2) Being mentored by an individual that understands the fragile state of a victim’s psyche is pivotal to a victim’s rehabilitation. A leader who is matter-of-fact or blunt can do more harm than good by not being sensitive to the victim. Even a facial wince during a conversation should be noticed and the direction of the meeting adjusted to meet the victim’s emotional needs during a one-on-one mentoring relationship with a victim.
3) Appropriate, safe and slow transition into general society must be conducted by the victim and their mentoring team. If society offends them, an almost immediate debrief with familiar counsel may prevent relapse into the sex trade, depression or other feelings of self-doubt that can paralyze the victim’s ability to be productive in society.
4) Long-term therapeutic care is necessary for a victim to “rewire” their psyche to understand and remember who they are when living in a difficult world. Even decades after abuse has ceased, memories (suppressed and otherwise) can haunt a survivor’s life when they encounter triggers so easily activated by an authoritative figure, such as an employer. It is also important for a survivor to analyze employer/employee relationships with a reliable third party to ensure they have not fallen back into an inappropriate or dangerous situation.
Here at Bridging Freedom, we will make sure those participating in our rehabilitative services receive the appropriate and unique care they require to function as meaningful assets to society. As they become rehabilitated through our program and as the grace of God shines upon them, they will learn that they can find peace in their day-to-day life regardless of circumstance.